Thursday, October 25, 2012

NaNoWriMo Madness!

November is almost upon us! (Celebrates.) All together now: "Winter is coming." No? Just me? Huh.

Anyway, November is almost here, and you know what that means! NaNoWriMo! (National Novel Writing Month.)
I'm SUPER DUPER CAJUPER excited! (And yes, I did just make up a word.) Now, if you don't know what NaNoWriMo is, then 1) shame on you, and 2) what are you doing on this blog? Go look it up!

NaNoWriMo, for me, is one month of complete madness and frantic typing. I often bribe myself with little treats in order to get through my word count for the day. Such as leftover Halloween candy.

 Last year my WCG (word count goal) was 30,000, being 1,000 words per day. That's about two typed pages. This year, my WCG is 40,000, making it about 1,334 words a day. That'll be interesting, considering each day I have enough homework to keep me working until dinner. But, NaNoWriMo is all about that: finding time to write no matter what, with no excuses. It's the month to block out your calendar. As shown here.

I've spent the day filling out character forms and going through knots in my fuzzy, planned-out plot. And cleaning off my desk. 

Of course, this is probably futile, because last year my desk filled up with empty pens, pieces of scratch paper, lip balm tubes, half-full tea cups, candy wrappers, staples, sticky notes, the odd headache pill and pretty much everything else you could name. Such is NaNoWriMo. 

Hope you guys have a fantastic Halloween, and an even better national novel writing month! Remember, reach your word count goal no matter what! Even if you must turn into a writing zombie! 

Good luck!

Oh, and as a random thought, I'm totally obsessed with this song right now. It's just so pretty and epic. And it's from The Hunger Games, so of COURSE I love it.  (Credit goes to the Taliesin Orchestra.)


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